Messy student desks lead to wasted time, lost work, and student frustration. It’s important for children to learn how to manage and organize their materials, as well as be responsible for keeping them that way. Enjoy a classroom full of organized desks and organized students today!

1. Simplify Your System
Color-coded folders and notebooks for every subject sound like a great idea until you’re waiting on a classroom full of children to find the right paper or page in the stack of supplies.
My first recommendation is to SIMPLIFY. Do you really need a folder for every subject? Does each subject really need its own notebook? Can you simplify?
I’ve tried all the systems and my favorite by far is for students to keep ONE (yes, ONE) folder in their desk. This folder is their “Unfinished Work” folder. Any incomplete or in-progress assignments go into this folder.
ALL other papers (and I mean ALL), are turned in or go straight into their student mailboxes. There is no reason to keep finished papers in student desks. It only creates confusion and clutter. So after every assignment, I let students know if the work should be turned in, put in their Unfinished Work Folder, or put in their student mailbox.
Occasionally, I’ve had students use other folders for things like Writing or Word Study, but we keep these in a separate location such as the student’s Book Box or a table tub.
2. Create a Model
Every year, I create my own version of whatever I expect to find in students’ desks. I keep these materials stacked neatly near my document camera so that I can use the materials to show students what they should be doing or where things should go.
This works wonderfully because I can quickly model exactly what I expect, and students can see exactly what should be in their desk.
3. Draw the Diagram
In my Classroom Management Makeover Course, I include an activity where students create a map of their desk. This is a powerful way to set clear expectations of a “clean desk.” (Save 20% on Classroom Management Makeover with code CMMSAVE20!)
I model this for students and draw my own diagram, and then have them do the same. The diagram can be glued to the back of their work folder or in a notebook for reference. Anytime you notice a desk getting messy, just have students refer to their desk map and fix things up.
4. Morning Supply Check
Have students get into the habit of checking over their supplies each morning. I write this into their morning routine and students know to take a peek in their desk before they get started.
I ask that students make sure their desk is neat, that there are no loose papers, and that they have all their supplies ready to go for the day. They are responsible for talking with me before the bell rings about replacing any missing supplies.
On the poster above, you can see the list of supplies I expect students to have in their desk and ready-to-go each day.
5. Partner Desk Checks
Randomly, but often at the end of the day, I’ll ask everyone to peek into their neighbor’s desk and make sure everything is neat and clean. They give me a thumbs up if everything looks good and if not, they help their neighbor get things back in order.
This quick-check takes two minutes or less and ensures that everyone is on track and ready to learn.
It’s easy to set up and maintain a routine for clean and organized desks in your classroom. No more dumping out desks full of trash, searching for lost assignments, or waiting for students to find the right folder.Â