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New Year’s Resolutions For Busy Teachers

I have a love/hate relationship with New Year’s resolutions. Every year I make them, and every year I fall short. All of the research argues that in order to achieve your goals, you should make them specific, measurable, and achievable. Good ol’ SMART Goals. But in my personal experience, those types of goals are the first to be dropped. And here’s why (at least for me): They’re BORING!

Teacher Resolutions

Yes, I said it. SMART Goals are BORING! I know they have their place, but because of their realistic, measurable, timely, and achievable nature, I lose interest quickly. For me, I want BIG goals! I want to be inspired and challenged. I want to think to myself “There is no way I’ll ever be able to do this” so that I have the urge to throw down and make it happen just to prove myself wrong.

I thought long and hard about my New Year’s resolutions this year. After toying with a few ideas, I finally settled on my three goals:

  • Fear nothing.
  • Be irrationally kind.
  • Crush it.

As you can see, my goals are not specific. They are not measurable. They are not timely. But they are words that make me feel inspired to make all those little changes in my life that might lead to something wonderful. I’d rather dream big and have fun with it, and hopefully be surprised when I’ve reached my crazy goals, than plod along trying to do something mundane.

I’ve also been thinking about classroom goals and resolution ideas for teachers. I want big goals that will actually inspire and motivate me! These are the goals that make me feel excited about the new year and open to possibilities!

Put Yourself First

In my post, Teachers Come First, I argued that in order to put kids first, we have to put teachers first. If you’re struggling with feelings of frustration, resentment, or hopelessness at work, this is the goal for you. Teachers are selfless by nature and tend to put everyone else’s needs first. But in order to be your best, you have to take care of yourself. Consider making your New Year’s Work Resolution to put yourself first! And here are some tools that can help you do just that…

First up, I’ve created a short FREE online training called The Work-Life Balance Cure for Teachers. This mini-course is perfect for any teacher looking to streamline her work week, let go of all the stress, and feel good about the time put in. Plus, it comes with some upgraded versions of the planner I shared in Taming the Teacher Work Week!

In under an hour, you’ll:

  • reframe your relationship with your job
  • identify and crush time-suckers
  • design your ideal work-week
  • put your plan into action

Learn Something New

If you’re feeling like you do the same things year after year, or maybe you’ve been stuck in a teaching rut, this might be the goal for you, too!  Pick an area of interest and run with it!  Want to be the Science Expert on campus? Or maybe you’ve heard about Whole Brain Teaching and are finally ready to become the master! This could be the year you become the Google Classroom guru. When you’re excited about something, that energy carries over into other parts of your life. Plus, new learning builds self-confidence and pride. Positive results all around!

If Classroom Management is something you’re looking to improve, check out my online program, Classroom Management Makeover!

Conquer a Fear

What have you been afraid to try in your classroom? What new thing have you been putting off out of fear? Pick something that has always given you anxiety, and just face it already!

If you’re timid about having people observe you teach, invite your principal to come by. If you’ve been too afraid to speak up during team meetings, find your voice. If you’ve been putting off a tricky parent-conference, get it scheduled. The only way to move past that anxiety is to face it! I promise you’ll feel better afterward.

Commit to Self-Care

How well did you care for yourself last year? What was missing?

My last suggestion is to create a New Year’s resolution that addresses an area of self-care. For example, maybe you want to commit to getting a massage and pedicure every month! Or maybe you need to promise yourself a monthly girl’s night out. What weekly or monthly routines might help you feel healthier, happier, and cared for?

I’d love to hear your personal and/or work resolutions in the comments. And I wish you all the best in the new year!

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